Victoria Beckham reveals the ‘elegant’ name she wants her grandkids to call her

Victoria Beckham reveals the ‘elegant’ name she wants her grandkids to call her

Posh Spice Gets Grandified: Victoria Beckham Reveals Desired Nickname From Grandkids

Victoria Beckham, renowned fashion designer, Spice Girl icon, and now grandma-in-waiting, has sparked a stir by revealing her preferred moniker from her future grandchildren. In a recent interview, the ever-stylish Beckham divulged her desire for an “elegant” yet unconventional name, breaking away from the typical “granny” titles.

“It’s quite an interesting process,” Beckham shared, “because you think, ‘What do you want to be called?'” She went on to express her reservations about the traditional “grandma” or “nana,” deeming them “not really me.”

So, what’s the chosen name? Beckham playfully coyly refused to give it all away, leaving fans and family guessing. She hinted at something “elegant” and “a bit surprising,” suggesting it might reflect her unique personality and fashion sense. Could it be “Victoria,” keeping it chic and sophisticated? Or perhaps a chic nickname like “Vicky” or “Vic”? The possibilities are endless, and the fashion world awaits with bated breath.

This revelation has sparked lighthearted discussions online, with fans offering their own suggestions for the perfect grandma name. Some have proposed “Posh Gran,” a playful nod to her Spice Girls days, while others have suggested chic French options like “Mamie” or “Mémé.”

One thing’s for sure: Beckham’s decision is sure to be anything but ordinary. Whether she chooses a classic with a twist or throws tradition out the window entirely, her choice is guaranteed to be as stylish and unique as she is. And while the name itself remains a mystery, one thing is certain: the arrival of the Beckham grandkids is eagerly awaited, and their fashionable grandma is ready to embrace the new role with her signature flair.

So, what do you think Victoria Beckham’s grandkids will call her? Share your guesses in the comments below!


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